------爱飞行俱乐部董事长 资深机长陈建国

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TheInternational Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for theworld’s airlines, representing some 260 airlines or 83% of total air traffic.We support many areas of aviation activity and help formulate industry policyon critical aviation issues.
Airlines to Address Carry-On Bag Dilemma
Miami, 9 June 2015 – The International AirTransport Association (IATA), announced a new initiative to optimize theaccommodation of carry-on bags given differing carry-on bag sizes and airlinepolicies.
Working with airline members of IATA and aircraftmanufacturers, an optimum size guideline for carry-on bags has been agreed thatwill make the best use of cabin storage space. A size of 55 x 35 x 20 cm (or21.5 x 13.5 x 7.5 inches) means that theoretically everyone should have achance to store their carry-on bags on board aircraft of 120 seats or larger.
An “IATA Cabin OK” logo to signify to airline staffthat a bag meets the agreed size guidelines has been developed. A number ofmajor international airlines have signaled their interest to join theinitiative and will soon be introducing the guidelines into their operations.
原文大意是这样的,推荐使用一个“IATA Cabin OK”的标志,表示该手提行李箱的尺寸是合适的。使用这种行李箱,能保证即使所有的人都使用这个尺寸以下的行李箱的情况下,不会因为客舱放置不下而需要移至货仓。对于使用这个“IATA Cabin OK”的箱子,可以在客舱行李全满的情况下,可能优先留在客舱。
Geneva, 12 June - The International Air TransportAssociation (IATA) issued comments clarifying key elements of its Cabin OKinitiative which have been misunderstood in some reporting. The IATA Cabin OKinitiative for carry-on bags aims to provide passengers with a greaterassurance that their carry-on bags will travel with them in the aircraft cabin,even when the flight is full.。。。
Further detailed clarifications follow:
? Cabin OK is a guideline, not a standard.
? Cabin OK does not replace airline maximum sizelimitations.
? Cabin OK is an optimum size, not a maximumsize.
? Cabin OK will give passengers greater certaintythat their carry-on bag will be accepted in the cabin.
? The Cabin OK initiative does not requirepassengers to buy new baggage.
? CabinOK is not a revenue generating scheme for the airlines.
? Cabin OK is an identifier to crew and groundstaff.
? “CabinOK is all about providing the customer with greater assurances.
“For passengers traveling with bags that don’t havethe Cabin OK logo, there’s no need to worry. If it was accepted for travelbefore, it will be acceptable for travel now, but with the same uncertainty thatif the flight is full it may eventually have to travel in the hold,” saidWindmuller.
这个“Cabin OK”只是一个指导,不是一个标准;它不代替航空公司最大限制尺寸;它只是一个最佳尺寸,不是最大尺寸;对于旅客来说,它可以很大程度上确定你的行李可以放置在客舱;它实施后也不需要旅客重新购置手提箱;它不是航空公司创收计划;它是一个给空勤和地勤工作人员的标识;它的所有目的是为了旅客最大可能的保证。
WindMull说:“对于没有使用“Cabin OK”行李箱的旅客来说也无需担心,如果以前乘飞机的时候可以使用,现在也是可以继续用的,只是说如果飞机客舱行李满了,有可能你的行李会被要求放在货仓而已!”
Date: 17 June 2015
IATA Pauses Rollout of Cabin OK to ReassessInitiative
Geneva - The International Air TransportAssociation (IATA) announced that it was pausing the rollout of its Cabin OKinitiative and beginning a comprehensive reassessment in light of concernsexpressed, primarily in North America. This will include further engagementwith program participants, the IATA membership, and key stakeholders.
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